Mod #1304 Print Loading Sheet Separates Cut Items

Alters the operation of Print Loading Sheet so that the content of each invoice will be reviewed to determine if there are any "Cut" items present.


If the invoice contains any "Cut" items then a Loading Sheet will be directed to the "Cut List" printer (as defined in System Preferences) which will show only the "Cut" items.


If the invoice contains any "non-Cut" items then a Loading Sheet will be printed on the regular "Loading Sheet" printer containing only the non-"Cut" items.


This means that a single invoice which contains a mix of "Cut" and non-"Cut" items could potentially produce two separate Loading Sheet documents.


Due to the automatic redirection of the "Cut"-item Loading Sheet to the "Cut List"

printer, this functionality is only enabled when physically printing the document.


When using other output options, the "Print to file" option for instance, each invoice will only produce one Loading Sheet containing all items.