Mod #139-R Qty Ordered / Qty Shipped Use Decimals

Expand the width of the Qty Ordered and Qty Shipped fields in Invoicing.


Modify the formatting of both the "Quantity Ordered" and the "Quantity Shipped" edit fields in Invoicing so that larger numbers may be used in conjunction with System Option #15 - "Allow decimals in Invoicing".

Normally both fields are assigned a length of 6 and, when System Option #15 is disabled, there are no places after the decimal point (a "6.0" format). When System Option #15 is enabled the formatting of these fields is simply amended to show two places after the decimal point (a "6.2" format).

This changes the maximum length of the whole-number part of the value from six places to only three since the decimal point becomes part of the calculation whenever places after the decimal point are shown.

This modification changes the formatting of the input fields so that a "7.2" format is used when System Option #15 is enabled.


This change also requires changes to the formatting used for these columns on the "Type PF" invoice since, by default, the invoice printing system formats these values to a length of six.