Mod #1414 Recalculate Order Point Utility

This utility will calculate and populate the Order Points for an item in the Inventory File Vendor tab based on average sales/ lead time set in the Vendor File.




V4.5 Added TEA scheduling support.




The utility uses a 6 week average.

The week runs from Sunday to Saturday. 

The calculation will not use the current week's Sales in the average.

If no Primary Vendor is found the item is not updated.

The formula used to calculate the order point: (Weekly Avg / 7 days) x Lead Time = Order Point


Vendor File Settings: 

Set the Lead Time in the Vendor File > Vendor Tab > PO Options sub-tab.


For multiple items: Use the item grid Lead Time column to override the default in the PO Options sub-tab and set different values for each item as needed. 


Inventory File Settings:

Assign the Primary Vendor for the item in the Vendor Tab so order points will be calculated and updated. 


Access: The Recalculate Order Points Utility in the Inventory ribbon menu > Inventory Utilities section > Recalculate menu.

Opening this utility and the confirmation dialog displays the formula used for the recalculation. Click OK to continue or Cancel to stop the utility.

The utility recalculates all items using the Lead Time provided for the Primary Vendor in the Vendor File. If an item does not have a primary vendor assigned, it will be skipped.

Vendor File - The new Lead Time column in the Items grid is used to specify a per item  override. If this value is greater than zero, it will use that value instead when recalculating the order point for the item, instead of the Vendor’s Lead Time default value on the PO Options sub-tab.