Mod #1427 Remove Small Order Fee if Route is P/U

Disables the Small Order Fee for any invoice where the Route value is "P/U".

If the Route is set to something else then the fee will be added back to the invoice.

In Assign Routes if the route is changed from "P/U" to some other route the Small Order Fee will be added back to the invoice.

If there was a custom Small Order Fee previously applied this value will be lost and the default value will be used if the charge needs to be re-applied.


In Create/Change Invoice you can remove or re-apply the Small Order Fee if the "Route" value is changed to or from "P/U".

If the invoice is being moved from "P/U" to a regular delivery route and the invoice has been printed one or more times, the Small Order Fee Limit and Small Order Fee Amount values will be refreshed from the customer's current configuration. The only time this might be a problem is if the Limit or the Fee Amount have just been changed but any other time this is exactly what needs to happen.


V4.1 Updated so the customer’s default route is included in the test for a Route of “PU” so the fee is removed.