Mod #1466 Update Market Cost from Base Cost Utility

Update Market Cost from Base Cost Utility.

Scans the Base Cost of all inventory items and updates the Market Cost.

Provides a report to display the "before" and "after" Market Cost as well as the cost difference.


Access: Go to the Inventory ribbon menu > Cost/Price Utilities menu.

This utility will review all inventory items and, where a difference is found between the two costs, will copy the current "Base Cost" value to "Market Cost".

The grid will show all of the items which were updated as well as the old and new values for Market Cost.

A simple report is available which can be viewed and printed as desired.

The "old cost" information is discarded once the utility has been closed so you must run the report immediately if you wish to have a record of the changes which were made.


V4.2.0 Options added to selectively apply cost changes: For increased costs only, For decreased costs only or For all cost changes.

Added a "Refresh Data" button which re-scans the Inventory File to look for new cost changes. If you've just processed a cost change then performing a refresh will drop the processed items off the list.