Mod #1497 Rename UNSPSC to Master Item/ Add Password Option #142

In the Inventory file Item information area renamed the UNSPSC field to Master Item.


Security: Adds a new Miscellaneous password option, #142 Allow editing of data warehousing fields, to control whether individual entrée User Accounts have access to fields listed below.


Controls access to Customer Classification, Customer Type, Master Category and Master Item.

The default for this option #142 is disabled, so the System Administrator must enable it for their own user account.



Features added to the entrée system related to this mod.


Inventory File:

Master Category and Master Item (UNSPSC) fields have been added to the Inventory File, inventory search, and to all standard inventory and sales detail reports. This includes the ability to filter reports by both fields. These fields are used to further classify what the item is.


Customer File:

Customer Classification and Customer Type fields have been added to the Customer File, customer search, and to all standard customer and sales header (Ship To) reports. This includes the ability to filter reports by both fields. These fields are used to further define what business the customer is in.





V4.7 Repurpose the UNSPSC field in Inventory Maintenance so that the max length will be 15 characters.