Mod #1501 Fuel Surcharge Once per Invoice Date per Ship To

Apply the Fuel Surcharge once per Invoice Date per Ship To Customer.


When an invoice is created for a specific customer on a specific day, that invoice will include a fuel surcharge.


All subsequent invoices for that Ship To Customer on that Invoice Date will not include a fuel surcharge.


If the initial invoice that included a fuel surcharge is canceled, opening any of the subsequent invoices in Change Invoice and hitting the "OK" button will initiate a prompt which will allow the  fuel surcharge to be added to the opened invoice.




V4.6.2.4 Updated to extend support to entrée.DSR


V4.5.3 Updated so that only charge fuel once per Invoice Date per Ship-To Customer to only run the fuel surcharge check when in Create Invoice or Change Invoice modes.


V4.2.2 Updated so that Fuel Surcharges are not removed from existing invoices imported from POD.


V4.2.2        Updated the generic invoice to remove the fuel surcharge from the invoice if modification #1501 is active and the customer already has an invoice with a non-zero fuel surcharge for that date.