Mod #1632 Modified Future Price Global List

• Added the Level Price grid which is displayed to the right of the items grid. Level prices will populate

  once you change the future cost, future minimum sell, or the effective date.


• Added the ability to search in context on all available fields in the grid. Search on Field, Option, and

  Value within the grid.


• The Default Effective Date can be set to any date and will populate the Eff. Date when double

  clicking on that field.


• Display mode enables you to load items from Inventory Maintenance or from a purchase order.


• Purchase order mode allows selecting a PO by typing or searching. Items on that PO will be loaded

  into the grid.


• Updated the Cost Editing Mode to use a drop-down list instead of radio buttons. Cost Editing Mode

   (Market, Real, Base) changes the available fields in the grid depending on the selection.





The Item Information panel at the bottom of the screen is now configurable and provides additional data from

the Future Pricing tab in Inventory Maintenance.


• The item’s image is displayed to the      left of the Item Information panel.


• Added the ability to tab through to the    next line item. Previously the cursor       stopped in the last

  field and the user had to click into the    next line.


• Added a Display Inactive Items               checkbox option.


• Added Brand, Class, and Category       as available columns in the grid.


• Grids are now configurable and              savable per user.