Mod #1647 Modify Assign Routes

Modify Assign Routes per specs on file.



Added a checkbox option to Display unprinted loading sheets only in Assign Routes.

Added checkboxes Print LS and Print Inv to the grid in Assign Routes.

Added Print Selected Invoices, Print Selected Loading Sheets, and Print Pick List to the right click grid options in Assign Routes.

Added a Sm Ord column that will display a warning icon if the customer is below the small order limit for the day. Holding the mouse over the icon will show the current total sales for the day and the defined small order limit from customer maintenance.

Added a Complete checkbox to indicate that an invoice is complete.

Added a Print Loading Sheet button to the Customer Account Inquiry screen to allow a loading sheet to be printed directly from that screen once the credit limit has been reviewed.



Added Print Loading Sheet option to customer account inquiry screen to allow a loading sheet to be printed directly fromthat screen once the credit limit has been reviewed.






4.5.2 Added a Modification Description for modification - (1) Added a checkbox to indicate that an invoice is complete. |  (2) Added a check box to the customer account inquiry screen to allow a loading sheet to be printed directly from that screen once the credit limit has been reviewed. |  (3) Added a Sm Ord column that will display a warning icon is the customer is below the small order limit for the day. Holding the mouse over the icon will show the current total sales for the day and the defined small order limit from customer maintenance.