Mod #203-R Physical Adjustments By Location Feature

Normally the Physical Adjustment system is designed to accept inventory information on a "per item" basis. It expects a single adjusting entry for each item (or for each item/lot combination in the case of lot-based items).


This modification provides an alternate operating mode for the Physical Adjustments utility that will accept inventory information on a "per location" basis. In addition to the usual information expected for an adjusting entry this new operating mode will also expect a non-blank value to be provided for "Location".


If multiple entries are made for a given item (or item/lot combination) then these will be summarized before being posted to Inventory (a key difference from the "by Item" operating mode). Because the data is to be posted in fundamentally different ways, there will be a separate holding file for the data associated with each operating mode. In addition, if there is already data pending for a particular mode then the Adjustments utility will be required to operate in that mode. So if there is pending data for the "by Location" mode then the utility will only operate in "by Location" mode until that data has been posted. The "Pending Physical Adjustment" report has also been modified to support this new feature by adding two new report styles that allow for the data to be listed in detail or to be listed as a "per item" summary.


The values for "Location" must be unique for each entry, meaning that only one entry will be accepted for each location/item (or location/item/lot) combination. To avoid data duplication the "Location" values should be formatted in a consistent manner. A value of "A1" is NOT the same as "A001" and this should be taken into account when entering data.


Update 6 Mar 2003:

Extended these modifications to include a process that will adjust to zero the inventory of any item or lot that is not represented in the holding file at the time the data is posted to inventory. This extension also includes the creation of a new variation of the "Pending Physical Adjustments" report that will list all items and lots that will be affected in this way.


Update 13 Jan 2004:

Extended these modifications to provide password-controlled access to the "Purge" and "Process" buttons.