Mod #340 Potato Route Feature

Modify the invoice printing system so that invoices for "Potato Route" customers will not extend any items which show a ship quantity of zero (determined from weight or quantity as appropriate for each item). Instead fill-in blanks will be provided to allow the driver to manually extend these items and re-total the invoice.


The invoice printing system has also been modified to ignore the setting of System Option #46 - "Allow invoices with no weight information to be printed" on "Potato Route" invoices. Tying this override specifically to the "Potato Route" invoices allows them to print regardless of whether or not this option is currently enabled.


Adding this feature allows System Option #46 to remain "Off" so that the system's weight-checking feature will continue to operate normally for non-"Potato Route" customers. A customer will be recognized as a "Potato Route" customer when the "Industry Code" value in Customer File Maintenance is set to "PR".


Update 29 Apr 2004:

Extended the changes associated with this modification to explicitly block the operation of System Option #18 - "Default Quantity Shipped to Quantity Ordered in Invoicing" on invoices for "Potato Route" customers.