Mod #382 Leaker Allowance

Modifies Invoicing to deduct a "Leaker Allowance" from customer invoices for select items.


The amount of this allowance will be calculated from the Net Invoice Total using a deduction percentage that will be entered through the grid in the Special Pricing Tab of Inventory and Customer File Maintenance.


Inventory Special Pricing Tab

The Leaker Allowance field is automatically added to the item's special pricing grid with this mod.


In the Inventory grid you can set the Leaker Allowance percentage for the item by customer for those that  purchase the item.



Customer Special Pricing Tab

When using the Leaker Allowance for specific customers you must add the Leaker Allowance field to the customer's special pricing grid using the grid configuration tool.


Then in the grid you can set the Leaker Allowance percentage for the item for the specific customer.


Inventory item with 1% Leaker Allowance set for the customer.


The customer's Invoice showing Leaker Allowance.