Mod #397 Minimum Invoice Total Feature

A feature of entrée Invoicing is to warn the Ordertaker if the Gross Profit dollars on an invoice are less than a specified amount.


This modification alters the feature to operate off of the Invoice Total rather than Gross Profit. The "Warn Order Entry if Gross Profit $ are below" value on the "Miscellaneous" page of Customer File Maintenance has been renamed "Warn Order Entry if Invoice Total is below".


In Invoicing, the "Invoice Total" value at the bottom of the page will be shown in red anytime it is below the minimum amount specified for the customer.


At the time of this writing the Invoice Total being displayed during the editing of an invoice is only an estimate. Certain deductions (promotions in particular) are not factored into the total. As a result there may be times when the system will pass an invoice where the final total may actually be below the specified value.


Related Mod: Mod #1030 Minimum Invoice Total Restriction