Mod #603 Type 2 with Disclaimer

Modify the Type 2 Invoice to display a custom disclaimer in the footer of the invoice.


The disclaimer is as follows:


NOTICE:  Product must be weighed and inspected with driver on delivery. Invoice subject to correction on delivery only. No claims allowed except at time of delivery. This transaction is evidence by purchase listed herein, constitutes an agreement by buyer and seller and signature of buyer, his agents or his employees shall be acknowledged of same and failure to make payment when due shall be basis for legal action to be taken and buyer agrees to pay all court costs and reasonable attorney fees.  It is further agreed and understood at the time of purchase of said goods that any employee or buyer may sign for and receive such goods for buyer, thereby making buyer responsible for this contract in its entirety.  NOTICE: PAST DUE ACCOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO THE HIGHEST INTEREST RATE PERMITTED BY LAW.