Mod #737 entrée.MW Multi-Warehouse Add-On Module

The entrée.MW software module provides the organization and tracking you need when dealing with different warehouse locations.


entrée Inventory File Maintenance

The "Warehouse" tab in entrée Inventory File Maintenance becomes activated with the entrée.MW software module and will display a detailed breakdown of how much product is located in each of your physical warehouses and your desired order points.


The Adjust button opens the Adjust Warehouse Inventory dialog so you can update your On Hand quantities and weights.  You can also view inventory "Allocations" for the item (amount committed to customers but not yet shipped), the "In Transit" quantities (amounts en route to each warehouse) and the "On Order" quantities (amounts en route to be delivered by your vendors with the requested due dates).


Invoicing & Purchasing

The entrée.MW software allows you to define the warehouse to be used to pull the individual line items of a customer's invoice and which warehouse the vendor's purchase order should be delivered to. You can provide the specific breakdown of which warehouse and how much quantity or weight should be pulled or delivered. This is ideal for situations such as being out of stock on an item in the default warehouse for the customer and you want to have the product pulled from another warehouse. Or perhaps you want your vendor to deliver specific line items to a different warehouse than normal.



You will always know:

Physical inventory per warehouse.

Warehouse locations for a specific line item.

In-Transit inventory being moved between your warehouses.

En route inventory due into each warehouse from your vendors.

You can define an unlimited number of warehouses, with each warehouse having its own unique bin location assigned.


Inventory Tracking & Transfer

When performing Warehouse Transfers, items can be keyed in manually or preloaded using either the "Pre-Sales" or "Restock" features.


The "Pre-Sales" feature will load all items from existing invoices where the default warehouse was changed in order to fulfill the customer requested quantities.

The "Restock" feature will refill inventories to the warehouse specified order point levels.


Produce the documentation you need to transfer inventory, including Transfer Pull Sheets.


When creating purchase orders, you can breakdown your order and specify which warehouse should receive what specific quantity.


When creating invoices, the entrée.MW system can automatically determine the closest warehouse to pull from, or specify if a product should be shipped from a different warehouse.





V4.7 Added the ability to assign an entrée user account to a specific warehouse from within the Security Manager.


V4.5.4 Added a Display Open Transfers Only checkbox option to Assign Routes when Multi Warehouse is active.


V4.5 Updated all Print Dialogs for entree.MW so that the Number of copies setting defaults to 1.



Added the ability to filter by Warehouse in the Assigned Routes screen.

Added a Loading Sheet printer option in Warehouse Maintenance.

Added the ability to filter by Warehouse in the Enter Weights - Invoice Selection screen.



Added Source Whse and Destination Whse columns to the Warehouse Transfer search screen.



Updated the Sales History dashboard to enable grouping by Warehouse ID.

Updated the Picking Labels report so that the Warehouse Location field pulls from the WMS warehouse location when entrée.MW is active.



Implemented two new miscellaneous security options:

 151- Allow editing of invoice ship-from warehouse.

 152 - Allow editing of the ship-from warehouse on individual line items.


Also added a "Notes" field to the MultiWarehouse inventory.        


V4.2.0        Updated the Physical Adjustments by Class utility to support multi-warehouse.


V4.0.34 Updated the Warehouse Maintenance dialog to allow the data to be filtered by Item ID.