Mod #781 Bermuda Customs Declaration Documents

Provide a process which will allow for entry and editing of the information required to produce a Customs Declaration document, including the ability to produce a hard-copy document which is a facsimile of the standard form (based on the 10 Apr 2000 design).


Allows all of the data to be entered manually.

A new import feature allows item information to be imported from one or more Purchase Orders and/or Warehouse Transfer documents.

An export feature will allow Declaration documents to be submitted electronically via the CAPS system.


Once item information has been provided the system will be able to calculate the appropriate deposit amount for a new receipt and produce the deposit document. Besides the ability to calculate the deposit amount, there are features which will also track the date and deposit amount actually submitted to Customs as well as the date on which the tax amount is finalized and the actual amount paid.


Update March 2011:

1. Removed a setting which forced the "Deposit" document for shipments arriving through BDA to use CPC Code 1003 when calculating Customs Duty. All deposits now default to CPC Code 1004 as Bermuda Customs has discontinued the use of CPC Code 1003.


2. Changed the printing of the "Deposit" document so that the "Country of Origin" value in Box 17 of the detail records will simply repeat the "Country of Original Shipment" value shown in Box 5b. When printing the "Declaration" document Box 17 for each item will show the value associated with that item.


3. Changed the printing of the "Deposit" document so that the "Supplementary Code" value in Box 22 of the detail records will simply repeat the "No. of Packages" value shown in Box 11. When printing the "Declaration" document Box 22 will show the value associated with that item.


4. Changed the "Miscellaneous" page of Create/Change Customs Declaration to provide the "Total Quantity From Items" field. This is a read-only value which simply represents the total of all "Quantity" values from the items listed on the Declaration. It is being provided to serve as a reference in determining the correct value to enter for the "Number of Packages" value.


Since the "Supplemental Code" field is configured to accept alphanumeric data it would be possible to enter information here which could not be converted to a valid numeric value. In such a case the value in question will be treated as zero.


Update April 21, 2011:

1.Add a "Document Code" drop-down list below the "Import"/"Export" radio buttons in Create/Change Customs Declaration.


2.To provide data for this list, two new file maintenance utilities have been added under "Bermuda Customs": "BCD Import Codes" and "BCD Export Codes". When a Customs Declaration is set to either "Import" or "Export" the corresponding list of codes will be loaded into the drop-down list.


3.The Create/Change Customs Declaration dialog has been revised so that you are not allowed to save a Declaration until you have selected a Document Code.


4.The printed Customs Declaration document has been changed so that the "X" which formerly designated the document as "Import" or "Export" will now be replaced by printing the selected letter code in the appropriate box to indicate "Import" or "Export". The same pattern will also be followed for the Electronic Customs Declaration.


5.For historical documents without a Code assigned, the printed document will revert to showing the "X" in the appropriate box and the Electronic Customs Declaration will revert back to its prior design of selecting the letter code based on the operation which was being performed (showing "D" if the the document was being submitted as a "Deposit", for instance).


6.The operation of the Customs Declaration document itself has been adjusted so that anytime a new line item is added it will automatically be assigned the document's "Country of Original Shipment" value if its own "Country of Origin" value is blank.