Mod #849 Modify Print Deposit Slip Utility

Modify the Print Deposit Slip utility to provide a check column in the Cash Receipts listing which will allow individual receipts to be designated as "Cash" rather than "Check".


The original "Cash" edit field, which accepts non-AR cash amounts, will be relabeled "Non-AR Cash" and a new "AR Cash" field will appear just below "Non-AR Cash". The "AR Cash" field is a read-only total of all the items in the Cash Receipts listing that have been designated as "Cash" items.


On the printed document, the deposit slip itself will show a single "Cash" amount representing the total of all AR and non-AR cash amounts with all the check payments being listed individually.


In the "Summary" section the non-AR case will be listed as a single line item as before for the AR receipts will be listed individually with the appropriate "Cash" or "Check" indication.