Mod #904 Loading Sheet with Total Ordered Quantity

Modify the Type 2 Loading Sheet by adding the Total Ordered Quantity to the last page of the document, in the lower right hand corner of the footer area.


V4.0.34 Page numbers will still be printed on Loading Sheets even when System Option #35 - “Print bar code on Loading Sheet” is enabled.


Normally when System Option #35 is enabled the page numbers are automatically suppressed because on most Loading Sheet designs they either both print in more or less the same place or there simply is not enough room for both.


V3.6.37 Extended the implementation of Modification #904 so that page numbers will still be printed on Loading Sheets even when System Option #35 - “Print bar code on Loading Sheet” is enabled.


Normally when System Option #35 is enabled the page numbers are automatically suppressed because on most Loading Sheet designs they either both print in more or less the same place or there simply is not enough room for both.