Mod #931 Type 2 with Driver's Signature, Time, Pack Size

Change the layout of the Type 2 Invoice to:


1.Shift the "Customer's Signature" line to the left and add a "Driver's Signature" line. This requires that the text be printed using the "Fine" font (17 cpi or higher) which means that this font should be configured on all workstations which will print this document.

2.In the "data block" area remove the "Route/Stop" value and replace it with "P.O. Number".

3.Remove the "Quantity Ordered" column and expand the "Description" column to the full 35-character width.

4.Add a "Time" value just above the customer address information which indicates the time at which the document was printed.

5.Remove "Line #" and add "Pack Size" just to the right of "Description"