Mod #941 entrée.FS Food Show Add-On Module

entrée.FS the Food Show order entry and fulfillment system is the add-on module which provides an order entry system which will accept "Food Show Orders".


Food Show Orders are similar to Quotes in that they will not have any effect on Accounts Receivable or Inventory. Each line item on a Food Show Order will be  able to accept multiple delivery dates with each date capable of carrying a unique order quantity. These dates are currently being defined as weekly order amounts.


Create / Change Invoice will show a Food Show button. (entrée V4 SQL image)


It will monitor the pending Food Show Orders and provides a means to pull all or part of quantity for the week onto the current invoice.    


Food Show Orders will have their own page in entrée Inventory File Maintenance for defining promotional discounts which will only apply to Food Show orders.  (entrée V3 image below)



Editing a Food Show Item in entrée V4 SQL.

Creating a Food Show Order in entrée V4 SQL.


Reviewing Food Show Orders in entrée V4 SQL.


Printed Food Show Order in entrée V4 SQL.