Mod #954 Show Permanent Line Number Values

Modify the operation of Create/Change Invoice to show a permanent "Line Number" value immediately to the left of the "Item Number" column.


The layout of the Loading Sheet has also been modified to show this value.


Since these identifiers are permanently assigned when an item is added to an invoice, they might not be sequential if existing items are removed and new items are added. In addition, if lot-based items are used while this feature is active then the process of assigning lots, or changing existing lot assignments, will create and destroy line item entries as necessary which could also contribute to these values becoming non-sequential.


When a lot-based item is first added to an invoice entrée creates a "placeholder" line item which gets a Line Number assigned like any other item. As a result, while no lots are assigned it is displayed like any other item. Once lots are assigned then the Line Number value will be displayed as an asterisk ("*") since the single line in the edit grid can represent any number of individual lot assignments, each of which will ultimately get its own Line Number assigned. There is no convenient way of presenting the Line Number values of the individual lot assignments and, since lots are not currently an "official" consideration for this modification, we have chosen this solution so that the program has some kind of a reasonable response.


Since the use of lot items is entirely in the control of the distributor we felt we should include this additional explanatory information in case some situation arises in the future that would require the use of lots.