Mod #959 Sort and Group Statements by Salesperson ID

Extend the handling of the "Show for Salesperson Code" feature so that the statements are sorted and grouped by Salesperson ID.


To avoid the need for completely redesigning the statement printing process the sorting and grouping is accomplished by taking the the salesperson selection(s) specified in the "Show for Salesperson Code" field and stepping through the Salesperson File to choose each valid salesperson.


Then the existing customer-selection process runs but, instead of directly applying the entire "Show for Salesperson Code" filter to each customer, the customers are filtered by just the one salesperson currently pointed to by the

Salesperson File.


When the print process is finished then the Salesperson File is stepped to the next valid salesperson and the customer-selection and document-printing processes run all over again for just that next salesperson until all the selected salespeople have been covered. The end result is that the statements are printed in groups according to Salesperson ID.


We explain all of this because repeatedly running the print process for each individual salesperson will take a bit longer than usual but, unless you're using the "Preview" feature, it should still be faster than the output documents can physically be generated.