1.  Enter your Query information.


2.  Make selections for Check File and Sort By options.


3.  Click Go to run the search for checks.


If checks are found, they are displayed in the Checks grid.

If no checks are found that meet your query criteria in the selected files a Warning message box will display "There are no checks meting the query." Click OK to close the message.


4. In the the checks grid select the checks you want to void by checking the Ck box on the right.


5. Click the Void button.


6. A Confirm message box will display "Are you sure you want to void the selected checks?". Click Yes to proceed. Click Yes to confirm that you want the checks voided.


7. Once the checks are voided, the grid and the check number fields will be cleared from the screen. If a check has already been transferred to bank reconciliation file, voiding that check automatically marks the check as voided in the bank reconciliation file.