This section will detail the areas of the entrée system that must be configured prior to running the automatic purchase orders utility.


Primary Vendor

All inventory items must have a valid primary vendor assigned before they can be ordered using the automatic purchase order utility. (located on the Vendor tab of Inventory File maintenance)


Order Weeks (formerly Purchase Multiple)

If purchase orders are to be generated using the Past Sales option, the purchase multiple must be defined for every item that will be automatically ordered. The purchase multiple is entered in the Auto PO Parameters section on the Vendor tab of Inventory File Maintenance and represents how many weeks worth of inventory you would like to order at a time based on current usage.


The purchase multiple is entered in "weeks" and you are allowed up to two decimal places in case you need to specify a value less than a week. For example, if you always wanted to keep a two week supply of the item enter 2.0.  If your needs were instead for a ten day supply, you could enter 1.4.


If you never want this item to be automatically placed on a purchase order, set the value to 0.0.


Minimum Weeks (formerly APO Weeks)

If purchase orders are to be generated using the Past Sales option, the automatic purchase order weeks value must be defined for every item that will be automatically ordered. This is entered in the Minimum Weeks field located  in the Auto PO Parameters section on the Vendor tab of Inventory File Maintenance and depicts the number of weeks of supply you would want to keep before ordering more product.


This value is entered in "weeks" and are allowed up to two decimal places in case you need to specify a value less than a week.


If the supply time of a product is at or below the APO weeks, then the product is ordered. The supply time represents how many weeks your current supply of product will last and is calculated using the formula: (on hand qty + on order qty) / weekly usage  


If you specify a value in the purchase multiple, but leave the APO weeks zero, the system will never order this product unless your inventory reaches a negative status


Auto P.O. Due Days

If purchase orders are to be generated using the Past Sales option, a value representing the vendors lead time should be entered in the Auto P.O. Due Days field, in the Vendor File Vendor tab PO Options sub-tab.


The value entered specifies the length of time from the day an order is placed with this vendor until the day the product is actually received.


The "Required Date" for automatically generated purchase orders for this vendor will be set using this value.


Error Report

If any problems are encountered during the Purchase Order generation, and the Data Errors message is displayed a report is generated that will detail any problems or discrepancies.  


You may choose to skip this report, but the data will NOT be saved.  It will be necessary to re-run Purchase Orders in order to recover that data.


Click the Yes button to generate the error report, make the required corrections to the data files and re-run the automatic purchase orders utility.