When enabled, System Option 234 will allow the linking of a single supplemental purchase order to multiple master purchase orders. Although a great and much-requested feature, this adds a layer of complexity to the receiving and costing process.
Please carefully note the following:
It is possible to create / edit supplemental POs at different points during the life cycle of a purchase order. A supplemental PO does not get recalculated automatically. Should the underlying Master POs undergo any change (like new items getting added/deleted/edited), you must open the Supplemental PO and click on the button 'Re-read Master' to update the Supplemental PO accordingly.
In the case of a Multi-PO Supplemental, because there are many moving parts, it is possible that one of the Master POs was changed or gotten unlinked. Thus, during or after the receiving process, if the distribution amount does not match up to the sum of the individual item-level costs, the user is urged to edit/review supplementals.
Any cost/price updates or closings done on one of the attached Master POs will lock down the Supplemental PO and other linked Master POs. A lock means that no further editing or recalculations can be performed. For a more accurate supplemental cost distribution it is recommended that you receive all attached Master POs first before making any cost/price updates on the POs.
NECS strongly recommends reading of relevant documentation before enabling this feature.