AR-button At any point during the Create Order process, you can tap the calculator icon in the top left corner of the screen, to view your customer's Accounts Receivable (A / R) status information.




At the very top of the A / R screen it will first display important accounts receivable information for the customer, including:

Credit Limit

Current Balance

Available Credit

Last Payment Date

Last Payment $

Last Check #

Last Invoice Date

Last Invoice $

Last Invoice #

Next displayed is a 5 period aging summary broken down by days, which is derived from information in your main entrée system as to how aging periods are defined when you generate customer statements.


ExampleFor example, if you prefer to use an aging summary by 7 day periods:


Amount open less than 7 days (current)

Amount open between 7-13 days

Amount open between 14-20 days

Amount open between 21-27 days

Amount open over 28 days

A bar graph is generated to visualize the dollar amounts open for each of the aging periods.




The middle section of the screen displays a grid to show in detail the customers accounts receivable, listed by invoice. This information includes:


Invoice Date (pressing this column header will change the sort order of the invoices by date)

Invoice Number

Days - The number of days old the invoice is.

Stat - Invoice Status Code:

'NE' for Non-Extended invoice

'CM' for Credit Memo  

'OP' for Over Payment

'BC' for Bounced Check

'FC' for Finance Charge  

'CF' for Bounced Check Fee


Invoice Amount

Credit Amount

Discount Amount

Payment Amount

Net Due

Balance Forward


Tap the Close button to return to the previous screen.


Viewing Invoices in A/R

Tap any invoice listed once in the A/R screen to view the Invoice Information at the bottom of the screen.




Tap the Close button to return to the previous screen.

Double-tap the invoice in the A/R screen to view the Invoice displayed as read only.


Tap the Back button to return to the previous screen.

