Call List



The Call List screen displays a list of customers assigned to the salesperson with a Call Time assigned for the current day.


Call List Implementation in entrée

Call times are defined in Customer File Maintenance on the entrée V3 Routes Tab or on entrée V4 Call List Tab.

The Call List supports the "Include data" feature available on the NET/EOP Tab (entrée V3) or in the Mobile Tab (entrée V4) tab in Salesperson Maintenance. The Call List will include customers from any linked salespeople in addition to the customers assigned directly to the salesperson if these options are implemented.


Call Date

The Call Date will default to the current date. Tap the button to open the calendar and select a different date.




Call List Viewing Options

On the Call List screen customers are grouped into three categories based on orders that have been entered through the online or entrée for the selected day.


You can tap the category button and select the customers in that category or select All.


Tap one of the categories:

All - See all customers for the day.

Open - An order has not yet been created for the customer for today.

Pending -  An order has been started but has not yet been completed today.

Completed -  An order has been completed for today.




Call List Customer Information

Tap a customer in the Call List screen and their information will display in the Customer area at the bottom of the screen.




eop-info-panel-button Tap the wrench icon to open the Customer Information Panel Setup dialog. Here you can select what field you would like displayed.