Customer Account Inquiry


You can select the Customer Acct Inquiry menu option to view any of your customer's A/R (accounts receivable) status at any time.


The first screen displayed is the Customers screen will show a list of your customers.


Customers columns include:

Cust # - entrée customer number

Company - Customer's company name.

City / State - Company location city and state.


At the top of the screen is the 'Tap to enter search terms for customers' search area. Tap here and enter your search text using the keyboard displayed to find a customer.


Once the desired customer is found tap the customer in the list to view their A/R status information.





Next, the customer's A/R Status information will be displayed.

This screen will first display important accounts receivable information for this customer, including:


Credit Limit

Current Balance

Available Credit

Last Payment Date

Last Payment $

Last Check #

Last Invoice Date

Last Invoice $

Last Invoice #



















Displayed next on the screen are 5 period aging summaries broken down by days.

This information is derived from the customer information in your main entrée system and reflects how aging periods are defined when you generate customer statements.


Example For example, if you prefer to use an aging summary by 7 day periods:


Amount open less than 7 days (current)

Amount open between 7-13 days

Amount open between 14-20 days

Amount open between 21-27 days

Amount open over 28 days


A bar graph is generated to visualize the dollar amounts open for each of the aging periods.


The final section of the screen displays a grid showing in detail the customers accounts receivable, listed by invoice.


This customer accounts receivables information includes:


Invoice Date (pressing this column header will change the sort order of the invoices by date)

Invoice Number

.DOC - A paper clip icon in this column indicates that a scan of the invoice from the entrée.DOC system is available for viewing. Just tap the paper clip icon to view the scanned invoice. See the .DOC Feature chapter to learn about this new feature.

Stat - The Invoice Status Code with values:

'NE' - Non-Extended invoice

'CM' - Credit Memo  

'OP' - Over Payment

'BC' - Bounced Check

'FC' - Finance Charge  

'CF' - Bounced Check Fee

Invoice Amount

Credit Amount

Discount Amount

Payment Amount

Net Due

Balance Forward


Customer Account Inquiry Invoice Details

Double tap any invoice listed in the A/R screen to view the invoice details.



The selected invoice will be displayed as read only.


Cust-Info-button Tap to open the Customer Information screen.


AR-button Opens the Accounts Receivable (A/R) screen.


Back-button Tap the Back button to return to the previous screen.




Example Here is an example of the scanned image of the paper invoice that is displayed when you tap the .DOC column paper clip icon.


See the .DOC Feature chapter to learn about this new feature.

