The History tab will show the customer's sales history for the selected item. History information includes a chart showing the year to date sales history by invoice. More specific information about the customer's buying history for the item is broken down by invoice.


Tap the Close button to return to the previous screen.


The History tab information includes:

Item # in the header of the screen.

Last Price - Last price used.

Last Sale - Date of the last sale.

Last Qty - Last quantity sold.

Unit MS. - Unit sold.

Pack Size - Pack size of unit.

Brand - The item's brand.

Qty Shipped - Chart of item sales.

Inv No. - Assigned invoice number.

Inv Date -  Date the invoice was created.

Qty Ship - Item quantity shipped.

Wght Ship - Item weight shipped.

Unit Price - Item unit price.

Lot Number - Item lot number.

Salesperson - The salesperson who entered the order.
