To view a large image of an item with all the item's details double tap the item listed and the Item Details screen will display with item Notes.


The item detail's feature allows you to view:

A large image of the item


Brand Name


Base Cost

Unit Measure

Pack Size


Cubic Feet

Temperature Zone

UPC Code

On Hand Qty

On Hand Wgt

Invt. Qty *

Invt. Weight *

Constant Weight

Average Weight

Gross Weight

Track by Lot

On Order

PO Due Date




* The item's current on hand quantity and weight will be displayed as of the last update. This update process happens via the scheduler utility that lives on your local entrée server.


You can have inventory updated in regular time frames, which you define. For example, you can define that inventory is updated automatically every 10 minutes, which is adequate for most food distributors.