The Open Orders menu option will allow you to complete unfinished orders that have been placed on hold. These unfinished orders are orders that were started, but not completed because you had to move on to another task.
Open Order Columns:
▪Dlv. Date - Delivery Date
▪Est. Total - Estimated order total
▪Est. GP$ - Estimated gross profit
▪Est. Comm $ - Estimated commission you will receive from the order.
▪Purch. No. - Purchase order number
▪Created - Date and time the order was created.
Tap the Open Orders option in the main menu and a screen will be displayed showing all your open customer orders.
Because the Electronic Order Pad is an application that requires wireless access to your entrée.NET server, activity such as creating a customer order, is saved on the server as your order is built.
If your device looses wireless access or powers down suddenly, no data will be lost because the order status will automatically go into the 'On Hold' status.
You will simply log back in, tap to the Open Orders menu option and complete the order exactly where you left off.