The Price tab will display all of a specific item's defined Price Levels. It will show Sale Pricing and Future Pricing by level. All 99 Price Levels in entrée (if defined) will display.


The price calculation system has been updated to apply the Broken Case Upcharge calculation to items with a unit of measures of "HALF" and "QRTR" in addition to "PC." and "LB."

The price calculation system supports for Class, Brand, and Volume based promotions. Previously the promotion system would only display item level promotions. This support has been included in entree.NET and the Electronic Order Pad with v3.4.18.

Tap the Close button to return to the previous screen.

Note - Y If a Price Level is touched, that price will be automatically be assigned to the line item.


Price tab columns:

Level - Price level number.

Name - Price level name.

Price - Price assigned.

Sale Price - Price level sale price, if assigned.

Sale Start - Sale Price start date.

Sale End - Sale Price end date.

Future - Price level future price, if assigned.

Future Start - Future Price start date.
