In the lower left hand corner of the GL Account Maintenance window is the record control. It displays the total number of items in the account file and has a series of 4 buttons.



First Record Button

Clicking the first record button will move you to the first item in the account file.


Prior Record Button

Clicking the prior record button will move you to the previous item in the account file.


Next Record Button

Clicking the next record button will advance you to the next item in the account file.


Last Record Button

Clicking the last record button will advance you to the last item in the account file.


Add Button

Clicking the "Add" button will to insert a new account into the account file. For more information on adding an account, see the corresponding section below.


Delete Button

Clicking the "Delete" button will delete an account from the account file. An account must have a zero balances before it can be deleted. If you cannot delete an account, you may want to make it inactive.


OK Button

Clicking the "OK" button will save any pending changes to the account file and close the GL Account Maintenance window. You will be taken back to the Main Menu after clicking this button.


Cancel \ Close Button

Clicking the "Cancel" button will allow you to cancel changes you're making to an existing account, or cancel the addition of a new account.


Clicking the "Close" button will close the GL Account Maintenance window. You will be taken back to the Main Menu after clicking this button.


Apply Button

Clicking the "Apply" button will save any pending changes to the account file. This button is useful if you want to save pending changes, but not exit out of the GL Account Maintenance window.