GL Entry Search Criteria Area

Entry No

Enter the specific GL entry number you may want to search for.



You can search for and entry based an a batch number instead of an entry number.


Entry File

Select the GL entry file for searching, Current, History or Both. Since history files can be quite large, it's best to search the current file first, unless you're confidant that the entry is in the history file.


Entry Date

You can limit the entry by date. Enter a Begin date and End date.


Go button

Clicking this button starts the search for the requested GL journal entries.


GL Journal Entries Area

The entry grid displays the entry account summaries associated with the GL journal entries that meet the search criteria. Only journal entries that are generated as a result of updating GL with an AP batch are displayed.


To search for AP postings you can use one of the following commands.


Keyboard        Scroll to the entry account summary and press the Enter key or click the Get AP Postings button.

Context Menu        Double left click the entry account summary.


Entry No

This is the GL journal entry number. If the number is blank, it is understood that the account summary is for the entry



The account number of the summary.



The amount of the journal entry released to GL.


Entry Detail Area


This is the batch number associated with the GL journal entry.


Begin Date

This is the begin date of the batch associated with the GL journal entry.


End Date

This is the end date of the batch associated with the GL journal entry.


Entry Date

GL journal entry date.



This is the GL period the entry was posted to.



This is the year the entry was posted to. The year will either be "Crnt" meaning the current year or "Prev" meaning the previous year.


Auto focus to AP grid Option

If this box is checked, then if a search for AP postings is successful, then first posting in the AP Postings grid will be highlighted. If this box in unchecked, then the current account summary in GL Journal Entry grid will remain highlighted.


Select Entry Area


This positions the entry grid on the first account summary of the first journal entry.



This positions the entry grid on the first account summary of the previous journal entry.



This positions the entry grid on the first account summary of the next journal entry.



This positions the entry grid on the first account summary of the last journal entry.


AP Posting File Area

Before initiating as search for AP postings, select the AP file to search. Since history files can be quite large, it's best to search the current file first, unless you're confidant that the posting are in the history files.


Get AP Postings Button

Click this button to search for AP postings associated with the highlighted entry account summary in the entry grid.