When purchase orders are generated from selected invoices, entrée will review all the customer invoices for the period you specify and order an appropriate quantity for each item to restore the inventory to a level of zero. If you have adequate inventory on a particular item, then no order will be generated for that item.


1.Select the Generate from selected invoices option


2.Enter the Starting Invoice Date to be scanned. This field will default to the current system date.


3.Enter the Ending Invoice Date to be scanned. This field will also default to the current system date.


4.Optionally change the P.O. Required Date. This field will default to the day after the system date.


5.Click the Continue button. entrée will then review the line item detail of each invoices created during the specified period and generate purchase orders as needed.


If all the items have adequate inventory, no purchase orders will be generated and the message to the right will be displayed.

If purchase orders are created, the Print Purchase Order window will be opened so you can print the newly created purchase orders.

The Change Purchase Order utility can be used to make any changes or corrections to the automatically generated purchase orders.





By default each required item (by a customer) will appear as a separate line item on the purchase order. If the line items from all customers should be consolidated into a single entry, enable the Consolidate Auto P.O. Line Items? option, located on the Miscellaneous tab of Vendor File Maintenance. Since this setting is vendor specific, you will have to set the option for each vendor that is used when automatically generating purchase orders.


It is also important to note multiple purchase orders can be created for a single vendor based on the "Route" sales. This is done by enabling the Break Auto P.O. by Route? option, also located on the Miscellaneous tab of Vendor File Maintenance. This is typically used when driver's pickup at the vendor's warehouse before making their daily deliveries.