The address information area is where you can key in a customers address and telephone numbers, as well as contact information. A detailed description of each field in the address information group is as follows.


Address 1 and Address 2

Up to two lines of the customer's address can be entered on this tab.


Each address line can be up to 30 characters in length.


Address 1 and address 2 are printed on most invoices and statements types as well as the loading sheets.


Address 1 and address 2 may be optionally printed on many of the entrée reports.



Enter up to 15 characters for the city the customer is doing business in.



Enter the 2 character state abbreviation for the customer in this field.



Enter the 5 or 9 digit zip code for the customer in this field.



Two contacts may be entered for the customer in these fields.


The value in the first contact will be printed on the type 2 invoice as well as the type P statement.


Both of the contacts can optionally be printed on many of the entrée reports.