The delivery day column indicates which day of the week the corresponding row on the routes tab pertains to. In addition to the seven days of the week, a Standard delivery day is also supplied.


The delivery day columns are for reference only and cannot be edited.


When entering the customer number during the invoice creation process, entrée will advance the invoice date to the next scheduled delivery day for the customer. For example, if an invoice was being entered on Tuesday, for a customer that had a route defined for Friday only, entrée would automatically advance the invoice date to Fridays date.


When the invoice date is changed during the invoicing process, entrée will check route information for the day of the week that the invoice date falls on. If no route or stop information has been defined for the specific day of the week, entrée will use the Standard route and stop information (if defined).


When using the Order Taker Call List feature of the entrée invoicing system, entrée will look for the day of the week that the current system date falls on. Only customers that have a call time defined for the matching day of the week will be displayed in the Order Taker Call List dialog.


When generating the Customer Call Sheet report, entrée will look for the day of the week that was specified as part of the report options. A call sheet will only be generated for the customer if a call time is defined for the matching day of the week.


entrée uses a combination of the Route and Stop fields to sort the deliveries, if a batch of invoices or load sheets are printed in delivery order or reverse delivery order.



If a customer receives deliveries on Tuesday and Friday, the Route, Stop, and/or Delivery Time fields should be entered for the Tuesday and Friday rows only.


If the same customer is called a day in advance for their order, fill in the Call Time and/or Order Taker fields for the Monday and Thursday rows only.