Editing a comment

1.Enter the comment number of the comment to edit in the Comment ID field and press the Tab key. If the comment number is not known, click the search button to open the Comment Search screen.


2.The comment text will now be loaded into the comment edit area. Changes to the text of the comment may now be made.


3.After the editing the comment text, click the Apply button to save the changes.


Deleting a comment

1.Enter the comment number of the comment to delete in the Comment ID field and press the Tab key. If the comment number is not known, click the search button to open the Comment Search screen.
2.Verify the correct comment to delete is loaded into the into the comment edit area.


3.Click the Delete button.


4.The Confirm dialog will display "Ready to delete Comment #XXXXXX, Are you sure?"


5.    Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion or the No button to abort.



Recalling a deleted comment

When an comment is deleted, entrée marks the comment for deletion in the comment file. However, the comment remains in the comment file until it is packed. If you enter an comment number that has been deleted, entrée will display a prompt allowing the user to recall the comment. Click the Yes button to recall the comment. If the original comment should not be recalled, but the original number is needed the comment file will need to be packed before proceeding.