When viewing or editing an email element the following fields will be displayed.


You may optionally store a reference to a username and pass- word for the account, however these fields are for reference only.




1.Select a contact name from the entrée Contact Manager file to edit the information.


- or -  Click Add to enter a new contact.


2.Click the Email button the view the Email address type drop down list. Select either Primary, Alternate or Personal email address to edit.


Additional contact data and email address options can be viewed by clicking the icons below the contact information display area.


3.The selected email address information screen displays.


4.In the Address field enter your customer's email address for the selected email address type.


5.Enter the UserName and Password if required.


6.Click the boxes to associate this email address with the following email output options:


a.Use this email address as a part of the report mailing list


b.Use this email address as a part of the accounting mailing list

     (Is required for the Invoice Batch Email utility to work).