This utility will now provide a batch-conversion feature in addition to the existing single-order conversion

feature (currently the default option).



Use menu path: Invoicing > Sales Orders > Convert Sales Order to Invoice



The “Convert Batch Of Orders” option will allow you to specify a series of Order Numbers, a single date or a start/end date pair, with the date features working off the "Arrival Date" value of the orders.


1. First select from Convert Single Order or Convert Batch of Orders.


2a. If you choose Convert Single Order then enter an order number or use the search button to find the order number.


3a. Click the Convert button.



2b. If you choose Convert Batch of Orders you will now select from these three options:


Sales Order Numbers - Use the search button to find all the order numbers to be converted.

- or -

Arrival Date - Enter the arrival date.

- or -

Range of Arrival Dates - Enter the "from" and "to" arrival dates.


3b. Click the Convert button.