The Purge Data feature will permanently remove old fax data from the system.



Use menu path: System > Fax History > Purge Data button.


To Purge Fax History Data

1.Click the Purge data button.
2.The purge will run against the data you selected using the Data Selection section.
3.The Purge Fax History dialog will display.
4.Enter an "ending date" value for the purge.
5.Click OK
6.The Confirm pop up box will display and ask "Delete selected fax jobs?"
7.Click Yes  


Purge data default ending date is the last day of the month before last which would keep all faxes in the current month as well as the previous month.


For instance, running it Oct. 3rd (default date value) will produce a default "ending date" of Aug 31st which would keep all faxes from September and October. Change the ending date to meet the needs of your business.