Using Multiple Modems
The ability to concurrently use multiple modems. If you intend to batch-fax price lists to your customers. FaxMan is compatible with multiple-modem boards and has been certified by board manufacturer Mainpine.
You may find that a single modem takes too long by itself. With the new faxing system you may install additional modems to share the load since FaxMan will use as many modems as it can find. Just make sure that all of your installed fax modems are actually working since an inoperable modem will cause fax transmissions to fail.


Disable a Modem
Individual modems may be disabled in System Preferences by going to "Fax Setup", selecting the modem from the "Choose Device" drop down and hitting "Edit Device Configuration". Disable the modem by clearing the "Enable this device" check box.


Schedule a Fax Delivery
The ability to schedule a fax for delivery at a later time. If you need to fax a report to a vendor but would like to send it after hours to save on toll charges, just set the delivery time you wish to use and generate the report. At the scheduled time FaxMan will automatically send the document. Leave your workstation running so FaxMan can work after hours. entrée can be closed on the computer after hours and FaxMan will run independently sending your faxes.


Fax History
An enhanced Fax History utility which provides the ability to monitor activity throughout the faxing system. This includes the ability to view or cancel "pending" faxes (jobs which are either scheduled for later delivery or which are simply waiting their turn to be sent). You may also view or cancel "in progress" faxes from Fax History.


§View the results of previous transmissions as a list of either "completed" jobs (jobs sent successfully), "failed" jobs or a combined "completed/failed" list.
§Each list may be filtered by date so that you can focus on a particular area of interest. Simply select the list you would like to see, then set up the filtering options you would like to use and hit "Refresh Data".
§Double-clicking an entry will show you more detailed information about the job and will give you the ability to view the actual document.
§The Fax History utility now provides access to the Fax Dialing Directory so that you can easily maintain the list.


FaxMan Job Scheduling & entrée

FaxMan operates as an independent process from entrée. This means that, once a fax job has been scheduled for delivery, it is not necessary to leave entrée running (although entrée does provide the progress display for "in process" faxes). This allows the "delayed delivery" feature to work regardless of whether or not entrée is running.


FaxMan will start automatically with entrée and, when it is running, you will see a "globe" icon in the tray area (near the clock). Once FaxMan has started it will not shut down by itself, though you may close it manually by right-clicking the "globe" icon and selecting "Stop".


Stopping FaxMan will prevent any faxes from being sent. FaxMan is a small application and provides a near zero load on your workstation while it is idle so there should not normally be any particular need to shut down FaxMan.