A lot of distributors carry products that are packed in a case, but break the case and sell a smaller quantity to their customers. entrée has a special way of handling these situations. Individual packages can be broken out of an item and sold by the piece, pound, half case or even quarter case. This section will go over how to set up these relationships between the master case item and the broken case item.



Guidelines for Broken Case Item Numbers

NECS recommends that when setting up a broken case item that the same item number is used as the master case item with a suffix. This suffix could be a single letter that signifies what the item is.


A "P" could be used for piece items and "H" or "Q" for half and quarter cases respectively. The "B" suffix could be used to designate pound items. Another possibility is to use the decimal character "." for the broken item designation. This will allow data entry operators to leave their hand on the numeric keypad while entering the item numbers.