The freight rate represents your cost per unit to have the product delivered to your warehouse. If the purchase price of the item is a delivered price leave this field set to 0.00.



If a value other than 0.00 is entered in the freight rate field, the freight rate becomes locked.


Locked freight rates cannot be updated automatically using supplemental purchase orders.



If you enter a negative amount like -2.00 and tab off. The negative sign will not be displayed and this will give you a starting freight rate that is NOT locked. You can update it using a Supplemental PO at a later time.


Automatically Maintaining Freight Rates

Supplemental purchase orders can be created to track an item's freight cost.


When the purchase order is received the value in this field will be updated to reflect the new freight rate.


If supplemental purchase orders are going to be used, the initial value of the freight rate field should be 0.00 so the freight rate does not become locked.