The Market Cost represents the cost of a commodity product as determined by a market.


Market cost represents the going rate for the item, not necessarily the actual cost of the item.


Many distributors dealing with commodity products will offer their customers a dollar over market selling price.



Setting up Dollar Over Market Pricing

Dollar over market pricing has to first be assigned to a specific price level. Any of the 99 price levels in entrée can be used for dollar over market pricing.


1.Use menu path: System > Preferences.


2.All other entrée windows must be closed to access the System Preferences.


3.Select the Pricing Setup tab.


4.Select the level that will be used for dollar over market pricing in the price level grid and press the Enter key.


5.In the Edit Price Level dialog set the Cost Basis value to Market Cost and click the OK button.


6.Click the OK button on the System Preferences window.



Assigning the Dollar Markup

The amount of the markup must be defined in Inventory Maintenance for each item that will receive dollar over market pricing.


1.Use menu path: File > Inventory


2.Enter the item number of the item to receive dollar over market pricing in the Item Number field and press the Enter key.


3.Select the Cost/Price Tab.


4.Select the Unit Price field in the Price Level Grid for the level that will be used for dollar over market pricing and press the Enter key.


5.Enter the sell price of the item and press the Enter key. The sell price would be the market cost of the item plus the dollar amount of the markup.


6.Repeat steps 3 - 5 for each item to receive dollar over market pricing. Whenever the market cost is adjusted, the sell price defined in the price level grid will maintain the original dollar over market markup.