The minimum selling price is used to prevent items from being sold with little or no margin. The minimum sell price can be defined as either a dollar amount or a percentage over base cost.


When a dollar amount minimum sell price is defined, entrée will maintain the same dollar differential over the base cost, whenever the base cost of the item is changed.


When a percentage over base cost minimum selling price is defined, the dollar amount minimum selling price field will become locked. To unlock the dollar amount field, set the percentage value to 0.00.


Using the minimum selling price in invoicing

If a unit price is entered that is below the minimum selling price, the Unit Price Too Low message box will display "Check the Unit Price for this item. Items cannot be sold below the Minimum Sell Price. Unit Price will be set to the minimum: $99.99".


After you click the OK button the unit price will be adjusted to the defined minimum selling price for the item.


If the Override Minimum Sell Price password option is enabled for the user, this prompt will not be displayed when items are sold below the minimum selling price.





A user's ability to edit minimum selling prices in entrée can be restricted by disabling the Allow editing of Minimum Sell Price in Inventory File Maintenance password option.



When System Option #163 - "Calculate Minimum Selling Price from Landed Cost" is activated, it changes the calculation of Minimum Selling Price to use the new Landed Cost value as the basis for the calculation rather than using Base Cost.