entrée will allow you to define up to twenty specific customer territories or industries to be taxable.  The purpose of these codes is to provide greater flexibility as to who is taxable when purchasing this item.


When tax codes are defined, only customers that have an industry or territory code that match the defined tax codes for the item will be charged tax.




To add or edit the tax codes, click the Edit Tax Codes button.



A typical situation where tax codes could be needed is when selling in different states or counties. If one state or county collects tax, but others do not, a tax code could be defined for the customers doing business in the state or county that is charging tax.


The following steps would be taken under this premise.


1.In Inventory File Maintenance find the taxable item and go to the Cost/Price Tab to check the Taxable option for the item in the Cost/Price Information area.
2.Click the Edit Tax Codes button to define the Tax Codes for the states or counties that require the tax.

3. Click Save in Edit Tax Codes.

4. Click Apply for the item in the Inventory File Cost/Price tab.


5.Now go to Customer File Maintenance find the effected customers.

6.  Go to the Customer Tab and enter the tax code for each customer doing business in the taxable state or county.



7.  The tax code is entered in either the Territory or Industry field, depending on the Code Type.


8.In the Customer Tab Tax Information area define the appropriate tax rates for the customer.