The Price List Report in entrée allows for generation using current pricing, future pricing, or a combination of both.


The method to use can be selected on the File Options tab of the Inventory Price List window.


If the Current Pricing option is selected, cost and price information will be reflective of the information defined on the Cost/Price tab of inventory file maintenance. Any future price information will not be referenced.


If the Future Pricing option is selected, cost and price information will be reflective of the information defined on the Future Pricing tab of inventory file maintenance. In addition only items that have a future price entry with an effective date less than or equal to the effective date of the price list will be shown.


If the Use all available data option is selected, cost and price information will be reflective of the information defined on the Cost/Price tab of inventory file maintenance unless there is a future price entry with an effective date less than or equal to the effective date of the price list will be shown. In the latter case, cost and price information will be reflective of the information defined on the Future Pricing tab of inventory file maintenance.