entrée perpetually maintains the on hand quantity of each item. As inventory is received, the on hand quantity is increased. Then, as products are sold, the on hand quantity is reduced by the amount shipped.  


The on hand quantity represents what is available to sell.


The on hand quantity of an item is immediately deducted after the invoice is saved.


The on hand quantity field is not used for items with a unit of measure set to LB..


The ability to edit the value in this field may be determined by the Allow editing of On Hand Quantity and On Hand Weight in Inventory File Maintenance password option.


Users can be prevented from selling more than the available on hand quantity by enabling system option # 80.




Do not edited the on hand quantity for items that are tracked by lot. When an item is tracked by lot, entrée maintains the value based on the sum of the on hand quantity in each of the lots for the item.



In V3.6.39 the posting of updates to "On Hand Quantity" and "On Hand Weight" will use a "differential" adjustment method going forward.


Changes are monitored so that the change that you made is integrated with potential changes made by other users in the system.


If "On Hand Quantity" was 10 and you adjusted it to 8, in the pre-3.6.39 design the system would post 8 as the "On Hand Quantity" value. The problem was that if someone had invoiced 5 while you were editing the item then the correct inventory would be 3.


In the new 3.6.39 design sees that you went from 10 to 8 (a "differential" of -2) and adjusts whatever value is currently in the database. Now the system looks and sees that the new invoice had reduced the On Hand from 10 to 5, so it subtracts 2 to account for your adjustment and posts back the desired value of 3.