The setting of this option is used to determine if the on hand quantity of the item should be tracked.


Enable this option if the on hand quantity should be reduced every time the item is sold and increased when the item is purchased.


Inventory items that are used for shipping charges or bounced check fees should leave this option disabled.


Non-Inventory Items

Many distributors sell items that they do not usually stock. These items can be defined on the fly in the entrée invoicing system.


Another option is to create generic non-inventory items to represent these sales. The generic non-inventory items are usually set up in inventory file maintenance with only the unit of measure and class defined. All costs and prices are left at 0.00. When the item is entered on an invoice, the user can update the description, and enter the appropriate cost & price for the item. The stock item option should be disabled when creating generic non-inventory items.



A distributor might use the following codes when defining generic non-inventory items.


Item #           Non-inventory item description

NSI                        Regular non-stock items

NSIT                      Regular non-stock items that are taxable

NSW                     Catchweight non-stock items

NSWT                 Catchweight non-stock items that are taxable